I help women rock their VBACs.

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Tune in to the podcast!

Are you ready to rock your VBAC? Then you’ve got to give the VBAC Babes podcast a listen! From inspiring birth stories from mamas across the globe, to in-depth interviews with experts, this is the podcast for you!

What I Offer For VBAC Mamas?

Here are all the ways I serve you!

Educational Blog Posts

Bi-weekly blog posts on all things VBAC!

Community of VBACers

Join our community on Facebook or Instagram!


Resources to help you navigate the first few months with baby.


Tune in to hear this week's episode!

VBAC Swag Just for you!

Celebrate your VBAC with t-shirts, jewelry and more!

What People Are Saying

Here is what other VBAC mamas have to say about VBAC Babes!

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"Thank you for your support, encouragement, and wisdom along this VBAC journey! I have been following your account as I have physically and mentally prepared to have a VBAC and I can say with confidence that it was because I was educated and empowered through resources like this that I successfully had a VBAC yesterday morning!"
Amber R.
"I just had 14 hours or healthy vaginal delivery to my 7 lb 11 oz baby girl vaginally with no complications [...] I listened to your podcast almost every day my last two months of pregnancy. "
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Carlye J.
"Love your podcast! What an amazing resource! I am going for my first VBAC-my husband and I are just about to start trying to get pregnant with baby number two so I'm listening to your podcast all the way through."
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New T-shirt! Grab your VBAC Mama shirt to celebrate your birth!

I always wanted a fun, VBAC Mama shirt to wear after I gave birth. I couldn't find one I liked, so I created one just for you!